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What is Ki-Ki Oil™Ki-Ki Oil™ is a vegan/ non-comedogenic proprietary blend of Jojoba Seed Oil and Grapeseed Oil and other natural oils, designed to stimulate and regenerate hair follicles to produce growth, increase thickness from the root, maintain moisture and tame dandruff!
What's in Ki-Ki Oil™?Ki-Ki Oil™ is made with a proprietary blend of Jojoba Seed Oil, Grapeseed Oil and other natural oils housed in a glass bottle for optimal product freshness and storage! ✔️No Parabens ✔️No Carcinogens ✔️No Sulfates ✔️No Artifical Preservatives
When can I expect to see results from using Ki-Ki Oil™You should see results within 3-4 weeks. Results can be as great as a large bush growing or as phenomenal as a couple strands of hair growing where there weren't any previously! The best way to track progress is to take a picture of any areas of concerns prior to using the oil, then take another picture in 3 weeks and another at 4 weeks. *Note: Oil should be used consistently (everyday) for ideal results. Oil should also be used on a clean/ semi-clean scalp.
How do I use Ki-Ki Oil™This Non-Comedogenic (non-pore clogging) hair oil can be used by spraying the oil into the hands, rubbing it around the palm and massaging the oil into the scalp with fingertips. Or, oil can be sprayed directly into the scalp, then massaging it into scalp with fingertips.
Can I only use Ki-Ki Oil™ on my scalp?No, Ki-Ki Oil™ is primarily an on the scalp oil but can be used as a hair oil, body oil (but not every day, don't want to grow hair in unwanted areas 😁), finishing oil, beard oil, brow oil and more!
How long does Ki-Ki Oil™ last?The 2oz, Ki-Ki Oil™ will last approximately 30 days for a single person. The 4oz Ki-Ki Oil™ will last approximately 60 days for a single person. If you're sharing the oil, it will last a shorter time. Ki-Ki Oil™ should be used within 6 months of purchase for optimal potency.
Will I see results if my scalp has been bald for years?Results vary of each person's hair growth cycle. Some people that have been bald for years see great results from using Ki-Ki Oil™, but some people see minimal results. If you are not seeing results and you are using the oil consistently, then you should make an appointment with your dermatologist to determine if your hair follicles are open and alive.
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