1. Drink Water
Drinking water is important to keeping not only your hair healthy but, also your body! Remember your hair starts on the inside!! It is recommended that you drink at least half your body weight in ounces per day! Keeping your body hydrated will help maintain your scalp and skin's hydration, help prevent dandruff and breakage. (not saying this is the cure to preventing those things but it definitely helps.)
Ex. If you weigh 100 pounds, then you want to drink 50 ounces of water per day.
If you drink juice, pop, coffee, etc., you want to make sure that you flush that drink out with equal amounts of water.
Ex. If you drink a 12 ounce pop, then add 12 ounces of water to your daily intake!
2. Take Your Vitamins
Taking vitamins is important to maintaining a healthy internal balance. I cannot tell you which vitamins you should be taking but some great recommendations for vitamins and supplements can be found in our health and wellness section: Hair Hotline Health & Wellness.
Not having the proper amount of vitamins and nutrients can cause the hair to become dry and brittle, which will cause breakage!
3. Eat Healthy
Eating healthy is an important part to maintaining your internal health BUT also maintaining your external health also! What you put in, is what you get out! What you put into your body has an effect on what happens on the outside of your body!! Keeping your insides healthy will help your hair start growing healthily. Check It Out!
4. Silk Scarf/ Silk Bonnet
Silk is the best fabric for your hair! It is a natural fiber that allows that hair to breathe and helps the hair retain moisture. It will help prevent breakage, dryness, and nightly tangles and should be worn on your hair EVERY NIGHT!! (If you have a silk pillowcase, that is great also.
If you don't have your silk bonnet, get yours here: Silk Bonnet
5. De-Stress
De-Stressing is extremely important to maintaining a healthy mind!! Stressing out can cause your hair to shed more than normal. If this continues, it can cause extreme shedding (which can be defined as continuous and excessive hair shedding) and thin spots.
De-Stressing can be done with deep breathing, exercising, yoga, laughing, finding an enjoyable habit, listening to some good music, turning on your diffuser with some great essential oils, and more.
6. Comb Properly
Comb your hair from the ends, then work your hair up to the scalp. No matter your hair texture, this is the best way to detangle/ comb your hair without causing damage. Combing should also be gentle; if you run into a tangle, slowly work the tangle out!
When your hair is wet, it is more fragile, so be especially careful when combing your hair while wet. If your hair is prone to tangles, then try brushing/combing/ detangling your hair when there is conditioner on your hair!
Our favorite type of detangler/ brush is the paddle brush! Get yours here!
7. Use Professional Brands
Professional Brands of shampoo and conditioner, though they cost more, will last longer than over the counter (OTC) brands of shampoo and conditioner.
Professional Brands are more concentrated than (OTC) brands which means you do not have to use as much of the product. i.e. With an OTC brand, you may have to use a palm full of shampoo vs. a professional brand, you will only have to use a quarter or quarter-dollar amount. So, you pay more initially, but you will not have to restock as often.
Notice the difference between the professional brand and the OTC brand.
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Quick Tip: Prior to shampooing your hair, rinse your hair for approximately 30-60 seconds before applying shampoo. Rinsing should include not only water but using the balls of your fingers to release some debris and dirt off the scalp and hair strands.
8. Hot Oil Treatments
Hot Oil Treatments should be done at least every month! Hot oil treatments are great when the seasons change to keep the scalp and hair moisturized, beyond the first layer of the hair strand.
Here are some examples of Hot Oil Treatment Formula's
Hot Oil Treatment (in a small container)
1 oz Jojoba Oil
5 drops Tea Tree Oil
2 drops of Peppermint Oil
Section hair in 1” vertical parts and apply mixture directly to the scalp
Apply mixture with fingers or small application brush
Ensure coverage around entire head, section hair in 1” horizontal parts
Let mixture sit and become absorbed into scalp for about 15 minutes
For best results, cover the head with a shower cap and wrap in towel
Hot Oil Treatment (with Ki-Ki Oil™)
9. Do Not; I Repeat, Do Not, Color Your Own Hair
I know that it might be getting boring in the house BUT, whatever you do, please do not color your own hair!
Why, you ask? The outcome is oftentimes unpredictable!
Using a box color will also sometimes prevent your stylist from using professional color in the future. Box color is also called a progressive dye, which means, it will also make your hair color darker every time you use it. Long story on that, but if you want to learn more, watch this video
Listen y'all, I've gotten A LOT of questions since the quarantine began about people trying to color their own hair and messing it up! PLEASE stop now, while you still have hair!! If all else fails, I have to say is, reread the above and don't come out of quarantine like this ⬇ ⬇ (she has to cut all that hair off)

Or this ⬇ ⬇ (this one is going to cost HUNDREDS to fix)

10. Schedule Your Post Quarantine Hair Appointment
In Illinois, hair appointments cannot resume until April 7th, but if I were you, I would be making my appointment RIGHT NOW for my post quarantine special!!
You'll want to schedule your trim, deep conditioning treatment, and whatever style you normally wear!
If you're in the Chicago-land area and looking for great stylists, let me know, I'll gladly recommend my trusted friends!
Be sure you're keeping up with The Hair Hotline™ on social media!
