Plantain Leaf c/s, 1/4 lb
Plantain is an ancient plant original to Europe but now widely distributed throughout most of the world. Although the herb has a very long history of use, many people consider it a nuisance plant when it shows up in their carefully manicured lawns. In fact, plantain is so prolific and persistent in spread that it’s referred to as a cosmopolitan weed, meaning it’s often found growing in roadside gravel or jutting out between rocks. While fresh plantain leaf is consumed as a bitter salad herb, the dried leaf is used to produce teas, tonics and infusions. Due to the presence of an astringent compound called aucubin, plantain is also used to make poultices as well as infused oils and tinctures for topical use.
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Appearance & Aroma
Plantain, also known as Greater Plantain, Englishman's Foot, Ripple Grass and Snakeweed, is a broadleaf, low-growing plant native to Europe now naturalized just about everywhere else—including your back yard.
Considered a pesky weed by some, plantain has been used for centuries by Native Americans for many practical purposes, including an infusion made from boiled plantain leaf, comfrey and yellow dock roots. Whether alone or in combination with other herbs, plantain leaf is still used to make teas and infusions.